THE UNLEY ROTARIAN: Meeting 4393 - 2 July 2024   Website:
 Rotary Club of Unley Inc.

 District 9510 - Chartered 17 April 1935

 President:  John Peacham 0431 618 359
 Secretary:  Greg McLeod 0417 811 838
 Address:  PO Box 18, Unley SA 5061
 Meetings:  Tuesdays at 6.00 for 6.30pm
 Castello's Cucina, 123 Fisher Street, Fullarton SA

President John Peacham 0431 618 359

Next week we are living longer

Last Meeting

Venue:                          Castello's Cucina
Event:                          SameOver Celebrations
Our Guests:                Briony Casburn, Graham Ey, Jill Hill, Rtn Bronwyn Kenny, Linda Matthews, Maria Mills, Genese Mullins, Tina Szaloki plus Rob's assistants Eukabeth and Lucy, 
Attendance:                   Lots and members and lots of guests


The Rotary year may be changing but the normal change of office holders will not be happening at Unley this year. Not to completely forgo tradition however, the club met to embrace the lack of change. To acknowledge the Olympic Year the room was bedecked with Olympic symbols skilfully interwoven with Rotary themes.
Bob Mills chaired the meeting, reminding us of the Four Way Test, and introducing the President to open the meeting.

The Warm Up

Jason Booth was called upon to propose a toast to Rotary. He spoke of Rotary’s vast geographic spread and its impact, from ambitious international projects like ridding the world of Polio and Australia of trachoma, through to the multiple projects in individual countries and communities.  
Brendan Kenny responded by firstly congratulating Jason on his accomplishments and reminding us that there was still much to be done. People are still homeless and dying of exposure, family violence remains prevalent. We still have diseases like Malaria and TB that are killing many and the only problem is a lack of will. While it’s great to meet and celebrate, we need to get back to work, roll up our sleeves to fight disease, to provide clean water, assist mothers and children, improve education and the environment.
President John the announced a Behind the Badge presentation by one of the club's longest serving members, Greg McLeod.
Greg was educated in Unley and then at Scotch College before studying Law at the University of Adelaide. On completion he joined a law firm where his father and brother were already ensconced, and remained with that firm until his retirement in 2020. He joined Rotary in 1984 while he was still in his early 30's. He was, at the time a member of the Unley Council, and then served as an Alderman, serving the Council for seven years. He was also on the Board of Centennial Park.
Rotary, when he joined, was much different to now. There was more formality and strictly enforced rules and all  the members were men. He ruminated about the achievements of the club during his tenure that included rebuilding the Rotunda. Since his retirement Greg has had the opportunity to be more involved in the activities of the club. 
The Same Over
President John didn't want a Change Over because not a lot was actually changing so he fundamentally inducted himself for another year. Reflecting on the year just gone, his aim had been to inject fun with quirky  invocations and bad jokes, and to encourage members to take ownership of what the club does. He reports progress and promises more of the same. 
He thanked those involved in making the money, the sausage sizzlers . The Thrift shop had a great year and the committee and the volunteers were thanked and congratulated.
The Current Board have provided support and the committee chairs have worked tirelessly to guide the committees in delivering significantly. The Police Officer of the Year, the Calperum accommodation refurbishment, the Youth Music Awards and the projects in Nepal were cited as examples.
Treasurer Brenton and Secretary Greg, Vivienne chairing the Thrift Shop Committee and Virginia as Membership chair were especially thanked. A special thanks went to Ken Haines for his three years on the Board as President Elect, President and Immediate past president, and also for his fantastic contribution to the barbecues. 
Paul Harris Fellowships
Graham Ey (Valerie's Bonython's partner) has been a consistent supporter of the club without being a member. The Bunnings barbecues, trailer towing, working bees at the club shed, respraying the club BBQ, the Calperum project along with his contributions as a guest speaker, and his ongoing maintenance of the the defibrillator at the Thrift shop are on the list.
Christina Way is the first to volunteer for club activities and is always looking for new ways to support vulnerable communities. She established the club's stamp collection and slept out in the cold to support Food on the Table. She has contributed greatly to fostering a sense of community within the club and her welcoming manner has helped bring the women in the club together. 
Virginia Cossid is a great supporter of club activities including Barbecues and the Thrift Shop. Wherever there is an Unley Rotary activity, you can rely on Virginia being there. She is proactively involved in organising the monthly Coffee and Chat and has been effective in her role as the chair of the membership committee.
Paul Duke is a perfect example of Service above Self inside and outside of Rotary. He's always there at BBQ's and the Thrift Shop, he provides most of the speakers for the regular meetings and has provided significant assistance at RARE (Rotary Australia Repurposing Equipment - previously know as DIK), and has also been known to sleep out to support Food on the Table.
The club congratulated each and all of the new Paul Harris Fellows.
The Coming Year
Same President, same Board, but President John assured us it isn't going to be boring. This came as a huge relief to all present. An important change is the new Rotary Regional Structure and he hopes this will see more involvement and co-operation with other clubs. 
We're going to increase our membership, aiming for greater diversity, and step up our involvement in the Unley community he said.
The newish Board, comprises Rhona Hoare (New Generations and Co-President Elect), Jerry Casburn (Community and Co President Elect), Graham Beckett (International), Chris David (Vocational), Paul Duke (Club Service), Greg McLeod (Secretary), and Brenton Judge (Treasurer). 
Virginia Cossid will continue as Membership Chair and so will Virginia Wood as the Thrift shop Chair. President John announced there will be more announcements.
Rhonda Hoare congratulated the club on the successful Quiz Night that raised in the order of $6,000. She advised of the presentation of a Peace Poll to Unley Primary that will be installed in a special garden on August 6th (Hiroshima Day). Club members are invited yo assist in with the garden. She sold some tickets to see a Sturt footy match that had been donated by Unley Council. And, she reminded us about the coming Film Night and the Youth Music Awards.
Vivienne Wood expressed her gratitude to Margaret Phillips who kept the doors of the Thrift shop open whil Vivienne was away.


Brenton Judge won the money and Leonie won the wine and Paul in Service to himself drew his own ticket to get the Chocolates.
President John thanked Patsy and Valerie for their efforts in tarting up the venue for the Gala SameOver
The meeting closed at 9 pm.

Rogues Gallery

Last Saturday night we had a roomful of budding genii at the Fullarton Park Community Centre to participate in the Quizz of the Century. The room was chockers with 200+ and the competition was fierce. Quizmaster Garry (see below right with Rhonda, Valerie and marking team)  did an excellent job of selecting interesting questions across a broad subject range.
Unbelievably after 7 rounds of 10 questions there were 4 tables with a top score of 55. Our QM then ran a Garry Hard OFF (drawn from ABCs HARD QUIZ), which table 3 won. You will note that Jason and Ross chose their team mates well.......but who guessed the almost correct distance from the earth to the moon?

Rotary International News

Celebrating a year of growth in Thunder Bay

Posted on 
By Shelley Crawford, 2023-24 president of the Rotary Club of Thunder Bay (Port Arthur), Ontario, Canada
The Rotary Club of Thunder Bay (Port Arthur) is building diversity through its partnerships with Tapestry International Women’s Network and Sisters for Canadian Black Community.

As I enter the last month of my presidency in the Rotary Club of Thunder Bay (Port Arthur), based in Northwestern Ontario, it strikes me what an extraordinary experience this has been! Imagine a chance to lead the club in its Centennial celebrations; 100 years of service and fellowship is truly a remarkable opportunity to share Rotary’s story.This has been a banner year for membership recruitment and fundraising, for building new partnerships, and for engaging our new and long-serving members on many fronts. Our membership has truly brought the club to a new level of accomplishment in the above areas!

Our club won the District 5580 award for number of new members and percentage of new members gained, and that didn’t even include the final “community member,” the Learn and Uplift Foundation (LAUF), which just joined our club. This foundation, under the leadership of Meena and Vijay, works on educational projects with Indigenous youth in remote northern Ontario communities where some of our fundraising efforts have been focussed, so we see opportunities for a partnership down the line.We instituted a bursary to support membership costs for those who are financially challenged and have two new members who qualified. Both are active and engaged in club service. One is developmentally challenged: Cindy is thrilled to be working monthly bagging over 500 lunches for the hungry at our Dew Drop Inn service activity. This fall she helped at our first Giant Food Drive that raised $4,000 and brought in over 3 tons of food to the RFDA, and she loves welcoming members at every club meeting. The other member, Karan, is a newcomer from India who graduated recently from a post grad Digital Marketing course and is applying his skills to membership recruitment and IT support. Karan is so proud to be a Rotarian.

Engaging new members

Two new members worked extremely hard on our Centennial Gala helping raise over $50,000 in sponsorships, ticket sales, donations, and ads. These two were younger than our average members: Amy and Brent gave this gala their “all.” Amy co-chaired and Brent was the sponsorship and advertising lead. Both are leaders in other club activities with a commitment to taking on more significant responsibilities. Working alongside a few other key members (Albert and me), we saw that their organizational skills and dedication, follow-through, and enthusiasm were just outstanding. Another new family member, Olivia, daughter of our Gala co-chair, Amy, was a co-emcee at the event that saw over 200 attendees and she did a stunning job as a very confident 16-year-old. Ian, who joined a few months ago, shared that he needed to get engaged in community work and find a social network. He has been active in projects that use his building and electrical skills, helping install automatic door openers at the Wilderness Discovery Centre, a camp with barrier-free lodging. And he helped with electrical installations at the Dew Drop Inn. Another two new members from the health care sector, who immigrated from Ghana and Nigeria, are already engaged by presenting citizenship awards to high school students. Priscilla and Blessing are volunteering in more upcoming service activities. Their spirit and community values are going to be so helpful to our club.

Building diversity

Another focus has been on building our relationship within Canada Club – a consortium of four local Rotary clubs in District 5580. Most of the other clubs are in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and North Dakota. The environment and mental health have been front and center with a speaker series called Talking About the Tough Stuff presented at Confederation College. As well on 1 June, many Canada Club environmental committee members worked on cleaning up the new Waterfront Trail, a successful service event by all accounts. It is incredibly rewarding to see active engagement from new members working in partnership with our long-serving members and new friends in the community. Diversity is a big factor this year, including building a stronger base of women in Rotary through our partnership with Tapestry International Women’s Network and Sisters for Canadian Black Community. Wish us luck as we move forward to build on our next 100 years of service above self.

Coffee Chat at Impressa, Unley Shopping Centre

10.30 am on the first Friday of the month is good for a chat with Rotary friends and a caffeine fix - Next one is Friday 5 July 2024

Upcoming Meetings

Tuesday 9 July 2024 6 for 6.30pm Castello's Cucina
Guest Speaker: Dr Haydn Bailey How to live longer
Welcoming team: Ross Burton and Robyn Carnachan
Tuesday 16 July 2024 6 for 6.30pm Castello's Cucina
Guest Speaker: Behind the Badge
Welcoming team: Virginia Cossid and Chris Davis
Apologies and Meeting Enquiries to: Secretary Greg McLeod on 0417 811 838 or email to
Venue Set-up Enquiries to: Bulletin Editor Stephen Baker on 0403 687 015

Saturday Thrift Shop Roster

Early Shift: 10.00am to 1.00pm    Late Shift: 1.00pm to 4.00pm 
Week 1: 6 July 2024    
Early: Marie Rothe (Jerry Casburn) & Haydn Baillie |  Late: Robyn Carnachan & Leonie Kewen
Week 2: 13 July 2024  
Early: Greg Mcleod & Wendy Andrews |  Late: Virginia Cossid & Vera-Ann Stacy
Week 3: 20 July 2024 
Early: David Middleton & Nathan White  |  Late: Vera Holt & Rhonda Hoare
Week 4: 27 July 2024  
Early: Stephen Baker & Judi Corcoran |  Late: Jason Booth & Vera-Ann Stacy
Week 5
Early: Bob Mullins & Wendy Andrews |  Late: Virginia Cossid & Paul Duke
Rotarians, who are unable to attend as rostered, please arrange a swap or as a very last resort contact: Vivienne Wood 0408 819 630; e-mail:

Mitre 10 and Bunnings Barbeques 

The Mitre 10 BBQs are the first and third Saturdays of each month. Morning shift 8.30am - 12 noon; afternoon shift 12.00 - 3.30pm, then one is Saturday 6 July 2024.
ALL the Bunnings Mile End Barbeque shifts are from 8am to 5pm
Morning shift: 8.00am – 12.30pm | Afternoon shift: 12.30 – 5pm
We have been allocated the last Monday of each month but have also scored this Saturday 6 July, followed by Monday 29 July

The Tale End.....

Some more wisdom from Jerry
This email was sent by Stephen Baker
Rotary Club of Unley | PO Box 18 | Unley | SA | 5061 | Australia
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