President John opened the meeting and introduced Jo Baxter a long term Rotarian who recently joined our club on the demise of the Mclaren Vale club. She has worked with youth for most of her life, originally as a teacher before working with distressed youth, mostly with drug addiction issues. She has been instrumental in bringing the Rotary Action Group for Addiction Protection to Australia.
Jo Baxter - Rotary Action Group for Addiction Prevention

The Rotary Action Group for Addiction Prevention (RAG AP) was originally established in Europe but now operates in the USA, South America, Africa, India and Oceania (including here). They work with local communities to reduce and prevent drug addiction of all kinds so the communities can become healthier and safer.
RAG AP is supported by Rotary International, Cambridge University, the United Nations office for Drug Control, and the World Federation Against Drugs.
To demonstrate the drugs problem she presented three case studies, from her own experience working at Odyssey House in Melbourne.
The first of a young lad with a promising educational and sporting future, gradually lured into drug abuse starting with a harmless beer or two, and progressing on to marijuana, meth amphetamines, and heroin. At age 19 he went missing until found unconscious in a gutter. He was able to get into Odyssey House quickly, which was unusual and very fortunate.
The second was of a 16 year old teenage girl lacking support at home to the extent that she was able to attend parties without consent. She fell into the habit of taking ecstasy pills believing them to be safe and found herself pregnant. She then ran away from home. She was rescued by the Salvos, reunited with her family and eventually gave up drugs for the benefit of her baby.
The third was the story of the young child of a drug addicted mother who spent all her money supporting her habit to the extent that the child was unkempt and unfed. Her year 2 teacher intervened and the Smith Family became involved. She was reunited with her mother three years later.
Jo advised that a third of drug abusers recover, a third suicide, and a third take the ride on the revolving door. Drug use in increasing (as an example vaping has doubled in three years) and with legalisation of recreational drugs in a number of jurisdictions. We now have intergenerational drug issues after decades of policy failure.
The current primary focus is recruiting and training young people to be influencers on social media, talking to schools and sporting groups. She recommended we all watch a video on this topic.
President John's Announcements
John advised of the Board's decision to increase the membership fee by $20 per year so the 6 monthly fee will now be $160. This has been brought about by the inflation and cost of living crisis and methods of mitigating the expenses are being investigated. We were advised to look forward to receiving our invoices from Treasurer Brenton soon.
Police Officer of the Year

John reported that the Police Officer of the Year presentation at the Royal Show had been a major success. Moving inside from the wet and cold meant there was a massive crowd who were waiting to see bluey, and got to see the boys and girls in blue while they were waiting.
This year's POOTY is Snr Constable Chris Mailley stationed at Narracacorte who works tirelessly for the victims of domestic violence providing direct assistance and educational programmes to raise community awareness.
John thanked Chris Davis (in absentia) and his team for putting the event together.
Chris Mailley apologised for not being able to attend the club's meeting this week due to prior commitments, and he is working hard to find a time to join us.
Walk Against Domestic Violence
John reminded us about the walk against domestic violence this Saturday. Assembly in Victoria Square at 9, walking to the Torrens Parade Ground for a programme of speakers and ending by midday.
There is also a requirement for help at Bunnings to man a Rotary information stand. I got the impression this was under control.
Jerry Casburn advised we have three BBQs in the coming month on the 18th for the Unley Road Association, the 24th at the Adelaide ZOO (panda burgers?), and Monday 30th at Bunnings. He need lots of help and will in contact with us all directly.
Bronwyn Kenny (I think) reminded us about the marque that needs to be erected 7.30 am and dismantled 10.30 this Sunday. I understand they have a team that just need to be there.
Valerie Bonython apologised that her previous advice that Patsy would be back this week proved to be untrue, but promised she would be back next week. Together they will be encouraging us all to take part in the car rally on October 16th.
Paul Duke formerly introduced Castro and Alfred DaSilva. Castro suffered from complex sinus issues that required extensive surgery organised by ROMAC. He has been recovering in Adelaide and trying to put on some of the weight he has lost in the process of getting better. He and his Dad Alfred are due to return to Honiara on Sunday. They are pictured below with their supporters in the club.