Venue: Castello's Cucina
Guest Speaker: Alyssa Hill
Guests: John Smith, Wendy Hopkins, Marie Rothe, and Rob's assistants Eucabeth and Jeza
Attendance: 25 members and 6 guests
President John had rushed back because he missed us. He welcomed our visitors.The well-beaten paths of adverts for the Rotary Women's Breakfast and the District Conference were again traveled. He will be required to shortly vote on the District budget at District Assembly - good news is that the District membership fees are likely to fall from $104 to $92.84.....unbelievable. A good week in the thrift shop yielded $1959, and we had a meritorious $7642 for February
Guest Speaker: Alyssa Hill - Fish Tank and Global Voices

Rhonda Hoare introduced Alyssa who is the Community Development Officer for the City of Unley. Her role includes encouragement of leadership, learning and commerce among the under 25s in Unley. Alyssa has been most helpful with a number of our programs.
Fish Tank is Unley's answer to the well known Shark Tank program where budding entrepreneurs are 'put through their paces' and rewarded for good business ideas. Alyssa is standing in for Laura, the program director, who is on maternity leave. It is the intention that Fist Tank, which has been running for a number of years, will be bigger and better in 2024. Commerce and entrepreneurship are now being taught in schools. New sponsors in the form of Rasheed Chartered Accountants, RAA, the Chief Entrepreneur, and Business SA have been attracted. The culmination of the quest for Unley's top gun is a 3 minute pitch to an audience with a skilled independent group of judges. Applications open on 13 March, there is a workshop in April and the big pitch at the Unley Town Hall on 6 June. There are 3 categories, namely those aged 12 - 17, 18 - 25 and open. The winner among the older group will receive free training in the highly valued Business SA Young Entrepreneur Scheme. A range of training and cash prizes apply to the better performers. Alyssa posed the question as to whether there are any Unley Rotarians willing to help with the judging, and mentoring of the younger participants. We will be able to provide a brief key note address on pitch night.
Global Voices is a youth-led Australian not-for-profit organisation committed to developing the next generation of leaders by providing practical experience in policy-making, international relations, and diplomacy. It is committed to contributing youth [aged 20 - 30] perspectives to domestic and global decision-making. In the past, young Australians have been delegates to and written policy papers for global fora like the World Bank, international economic, climate, status of women and environmental symposiums. An upcoming opportunity is Ai.
There are 2 Australian intakes of 5 people each year......Canada has a similar scheme. The full cost of participating is $10,000 which can be met personally, with sponsorship or a combination of both. Alyssa is searching for sponsors to enable a home grown talent to walk the world stage and is seeking assistance from Unley Rotary to help finance, plus provide connections to other sources....there is seed money of $3000 in her budget. Sources of talent would include for example the Youth Parliament.

Rhonda Hoare promised to have our Youth Committee further examine the GV project, and asked if any of our members could provide mentoring services for Fish Tank. Proceeds from the Quiz Night on 29 June would be used on youth projects.
Alyssa was applauded for her contribution. And John presented her with a cheque for $1000, our contribution to Fish Tank
Christina Way announced there will be a Vocational visit to Food on the Table on Tuesday 26 March at 2 Chief Street, Hindmarsh. Timing is 6pm start, 9pm finish. The cost of the meal, alternate drops of Salmon and Roast Beef (both with seasonal vegetables) plus a glass of wine will be $41. We need 35 members and friends to attend. There will be a guest speaker from the organisation. It will be great to get out and about.
Stephen Baker informed that our annual bowls match with RC Mitcham will be Wednesday 20 March, 6.15 for 6.30pm at the Sturt Bowling Club. A night of camaraderie and fun is guaranteed.....the formal competition has been scrapped. Pizzas will be served at the bowling finale. The editor is working on pleasant surprises.
Brenton Judge mentioned that membership reminder notices had been issued, some to those who had already paid......apology.......just disregard.
Jerry Casburn will be looking for a big team of helpers for the Variety Club's lunch for disadvantaged children at the Adelaide Zoo on Tuesday 26 March..........nothing like snags for lunch and salmon for tea.
INDUCTION - Marie Rothe

Virginia Cossid, who had introduced Marie to the club, provided a brief background. Marie was born in South Australia, trained to be a primary school teacher in Victoria, but instead joined Ansett Airways as an air hostess. Work in the electronics industry followed. She came back to South Australia when she married Ian and was employed by the firm now known as Codan. They then lived with their children in Tanunda, where she became a real estate agent. Ian was heavily involved with Rotary and they sponsored a number of exchange students. Ian died 12 years ago and 10 years ago she joined the local Rotary club, involving herself in Assistant Secretary, Membership and Attendance.
Marie will join the Youth Committee, be mentored by Rhonda and have the classification of Real Estate Management.
Marie was warmly welcomed into the club.
INDUCTION - John Smith

Jerry Casburn, who had proposed John for membership of the club, turbo charged the introduction. John is currently studying and has spent much of his working life in information technology and fixing PCs. Rotary is the means of giving back to the community.
John will join the Community Services Committee, be mentored by Wendy Andrews (between bridge tournaments) and have the classification of Full Time Student. Wendy Hopkins, John's partner, joined for the photo.
John was also warmly welcomed into the club.
Bob Mills nailed the wine (must have run out of cash), and Kate and Ken (almost poetic) won the other 2 prizes
The meeting closed opportunely at a well ordered 7.48pm.but without a bed time story from the Prez.
Rogues Gallery.....great stuff Brendan and Bronwyn and Jason
Here is Brendan with Stanric the ROMAC patient from the Solomons (with someone's teddy bear), followed by Brendan and Brownwyn with the Jason Booth eye team in Nepal (check out the left side......all those who fail to identify B,B and J need to see Jason for an eye test).

Rotary International News
Rotary projects around the globe - March 2024
By Brad Webber
United States

Most North American plant species depend on insects, predominantly bees, for pollination. “Your whole food web is supported by bees,” says Dave Hunter, a member of the Rotary Club of Woodinville, Washington. The club leads a project that nourishes bees while beautifying the Seattle suburb. Members use donated wine barrels to construct planters to attract pollinators. Local businesses can sign up to have one placed at their storefront for a donation of $150 a year to the club’s foundation. The planters have QR codes that take visitors to information on the club’s website about the program and pollinators’ importance. “We are not just putting planters out; we’re educating through them,” says Hunter, proprietor of Crown Bees, which sells bees, bee houses, and other materials. The club also partnered with the city, businesses, a garden club, and a nonprofit organization to host a Pollinator Fest in May that attracted about 500 people to hear the latest buzz on bees.

The Rotary Club of Olds, Alberta, is livening up its process for awarding grants to community groups. In November, representatives of about a dozen organizations pitched their proposals at a contest modeled on
Dragons’ Den, a CBC television program (much like
Shark Tank in the U.S.) in which venture capitalists judge entrepreneurs’ proposals for investment. The organizations were allotted five minutes to make their pitch, followed by five minutes of questioning by a panel of Rotarian “dragons,” or judges. Club President Randy Smith concedes that the awardees would have received their share of the roughly $10,000 regardless of who won. But he says the spirited affair gave the groups, including Interactors and fire department cadets, an opportunity to hone their presentation skills and showcase their creativity.

When the operator of a summer camp for children with Down syndrome or other cognitive disabilities announced in 2021 that she could no longer run the weeklong program, the Rotaract Club of Kecskemét stepped up. The initiative to keep the program going has become “our club’s biggest and favorite project,” says Anna Antalfalvi. She and other members of the university-based club are education and psychology students. “Our aim is to help children develop through activities during the day. This allows parents to relax and work through their difficulties in support groups.” The club’s eight active members and a few volunteers run workshops, cook, serve, and clean. The camp, which is free for participants (17 children and their families in 2023), costs the club about $3,100 a year. “Our sponsoring Rotary club helped for the first time this year, providing a day’s food and cooking a lunch on another day,” Antalfalvi says. “When they personally experienced the atmosphere of the camp and the importance of the work we do there, they decided to make it part of their annual fundraising goal to help fund the camp.”
South Africa

What began with an enthusiastic health worker telling U.S. Rotarians about water scarcity in South Africa has blossomed into a partnership that has overhauled kitchens, bathrooms, and other sanitation facilities at nearly a dozen schools serving more than 7,200 students. It began with Julia Heemstra, who grew up in South Africa, speaking to a meeting of the Rotary Club of Jackson Hole, Wyoming, in 2018. Club members decided to support her in providing handheld water filters — and were eager to do more. Heemstra connected the Wyoming Rotarians with the Rotary Club of Grahamstown, South Africa, which was at the time rehabilitating sanitation facilities at Ntsika Secondary School. “They had an inconsistent water supply. When the water is shut off, the schools have to shut,” says Stuart Palmer, a past governor of District 5440. “We were seeing the children shortchanged in their education.” The clubs partnered on a global grant to do that work, then a district grant to upgrade the water systems at 10 additional schools. Then, in 2022, the two clubs received a $400,000 global grant to upgrade toilet and kitchen facilities at seven of the schools where they’d previously worked. “Seeing the incredible change — you not only have water, but you’re getting a face-lift on all these schools — it’s huge,” Palmer says.

Monsoon rains regularly pummel Maharashtra state. With the support of a $50,000 global grant, the Rotary Club of Mumbai Down Town Sea Land oversaw construction of five check dams that will help farming families manage flooding in the Palghar district. “The majority of the rainwater runs off the surface, as the land is mostly rocky and consists of hard soil,” says member Chandraprabha Khona, who directed the project in cooperation with the Rotary Club of Colombo, Sri Lanka. A nearly $30,000 contribution from Shabbir Rangwala, a past president of the Mumbai club, was instrumental. The new concrete dams will allow farmers to expand irrigation and cultivate additional crops, as well as store water for sanitation and top off bore wells. Khona adds that the project will lead to “an exponential jump” in farmers’ income.
Coffee Chat at Impressa, Unley Shopping Centre
10.30 am on the first Friday of the month is good for a chat with Rotary friends and a caffeine fix - Next one is this Friday 5 April 2024
Upcoming Meetings
Tuesday 12 March 2024 6 for 6.30pm Castello's Cucina
Guest Speaker: Jenny Grant Hepatitis Educator
Greetings Team: Bob Mullins & Kate Porter
Wednesday 20 March 2024 6.15 for 6.30pm Annual bowling event with RC Mitcham ...all about fun and camaraderie......, Sturt Bowling Club, Cnr Trimmer Tce and Edmund Ave, Unley.
Pizzas will be served after the bowling. Modest cost TBA
Apologies and Meeting Enquiries to: Secretary Greg McLeod on 0417 811 838 or email to
Venue Set-up Enquiries to: Bulletin Editor Stephen Baker on 0403 687 015
Saturday Thrift Shop Roster
Early Shift: 10.00am to 1.00pm Late Shift: 1.00pm to 4.00pm
Week 1: 6 April 2024
Early: Jerry Casburn, Haydn Baillie | Late: Robyn Carnachan & Leonie Kewen
Week 2: 9 March 2024
Early: Greg Mcleod & Jerry Casburn (Wendy Andrews) | Late: Virginia Cossid & Vera-Ann Stacy
Week 3: 16 March 2024
Early: David Middleton & Nathan White | Late: Vera Holt & Rhonda Hoare
Week 4: 23 March 2024
Early: Stephen Baker & Judi Corcoran | Late: Jason Booth & Vera-Ann Stacy
Week 5: 30 March 2024
Early: Bob Mullins & Wendy Andrews | Late: Virginia Cossid & Paul Duke
Rotarians, who are unable to attend as rostered, please arrange a swap or as a very last resort contact: Vivienne Wood 0408 819 630; e-mail:
Mitre 10 and Bunnings Barbeques
The Mitre 10 BBQs are the first and third Saturdays of each month. Morning shift 8.30am - 12 noon; afternoon shift 12.00 - 3.30pm, then one is on 16 March.
ALL the Bunnings Mile End Barbeque shifts are from 8am to 5pm
Morning shift: 8.00am – 12.30pm | Afternoon shift: 12.30 – 5pm
We have been allocated the last Monday of each month.....but next one is 31 March (Easter Sunday)
The Tale End.....
For the girls
What would we do without little Johnny?