THE UNLEY ROTARIAN: Meeting 4392 - 25 June 2024   Website:
 Rotary Club of Unley Inc.

 District 9510 - Chartered 17 April 1935

 President:  John Peacham 0431 618 359
 Secretary:  Greg McLeod 0417 811 838
 Address:  PO Box 18, Unley SA 5061
 Meetings:  Tuesdays at 6.00 for 6.30pm
 Castello's Cucina, 123 Fisher Street, Fullarton SA

President John Peacham 0431 618 359

Next week are celebrating

Last Meeting

Venue:                          Castello's Cucina
Guest Speakers:         Christina White and Ken Haines
Our Guests:                 Rtn Bronwyn Kenny, Alice Edge plus Rob's assistants Eukabeth and Lucy, 
Attendance:                 21  members  4 guests


In the absence of President John who is having a tuff time in Bali, Secretary Greg stepped up to the podium, welcomed our guests, and declared the meeting open. The Thrift Shop had revenue of $1788 last week.


Guest Speaker: Christina Way

Ohristina Way was born (prematurely) on 8 February 1951, Early years were challenging with encephalitis at 9 months, tonsils out at 2, appendix at 3, deep ray treatment at 6, and blocked eardrums for a number of years. Age 13, the body cleared itself up and she joined the girl guides, then the rangers, and became the youngest cub's brown owl in Australia. She attended Catholic primary and secondary schools including the nunnery at Aldgate where Mary MacKillop had spent time. At 15 it was off to business college where she learnt shorthand, stenography and comptometry. Maybe it was the MacKillop influence that drove her to train as a nun with 50 others in Sydney. But she left that to work as a bookbinder.
In 1973 she married and has a daughter of 47 and a son 42. Life went haywire when her husband was transferred to Melbourne in 1993. He became quite controlling and after suffering a mental breakdown she sought mental health support but later discovered that her psychology adviser was unlicensed. Mulberry House with its singing helped her recovery. Her mother-in-law helped her with making tapestries......see results below. Aged care and disability training, and then service delivery, followed. Finally in 2008 she left her husband, taking the family dog. For the next 10 years she worked at ECH but retired after an issue with a dementia patient for which she was blameless.
Christina decided to join Unley Rotary in 2018 when she saw us assembling birthing kits at the Shopping Centre. She thanked club members for their friendship and support.
But the editor reckons we owe the pocket rocket heaps for the inspiration she has brought to our club....she will try anything (including sleeping rough), is smart, volunteer anywhere, bring forward great ideas, and is caring.

Guest Speaker: Ken Haines

Immaculate Ken was born (also prematurely) on 22 September 1945 with a twin brother. (Unfortunately his twin brother died in 1994.) From the Kate Cocks home they were adopted by a farmer and his wife at Winkie in1946. He attended the local primary school (dux) and Glossop High where he completed his Leaving year, and then worked for the local Co-op. [In 1959 he went with the family to London because of his mother's ill health........loved the travel.] He undertook accountancy training. And in 1966 on another overseas trip he modeled at Selfridges.......which the editor assumes explains Ken's heightened sense of fashion. 1968 he joined Chrysler Australia until it was taken over by Mitsubishi. In 2003 he joined our club and in 2010 started his own accounting practice. Prospect is where he lives, and is happy to do so.
We know that Ken has a wide range of (outstanding), theatre, music, dancing (yet to see the twinkle toes.....we need a demo to be convinced!), traveling and 'will shop till he drops'. Rotary has provided many happy moments and he, like Christina, is a great volunteer. 
Now it must be said that the call for Ken to show off his socks reached a crescendo.....and the pinkies were displayed, but too quickly for the editor to take a photo.
Both Christina and Ken were roundly applauded.
Spots.....the editor is a candidate for RSI
Greg McLeod reminded about the quiz night on Saturday and the urgent need to fill out the Changeover particulars for next week. Ensure you email Jerry tomorrow (Wednesday) if you have not already done so.
Garry Taylor gave a brief synopsis of his recent trip to Thailand where he joined other volunteers in dispensing polio gels in Thailand. He also helped students prepare CVs for the workforce. Previous volunteering included teaching in Cambodia. Time out for 8 days, in 34 degrees, with his wife at Kaolack  followed,,,,,but he was having such a good time forgot he was meant to return home earlier. Good luck prevailed. He made 3 points about the quizz:
  • Arrive before 7pm
  • A fabulous wine wall to choose from
  • Those found using their phones would have 5 points deducted and be publicly spanked.....almost worth the effort as someone suggested.
Christina Way is a member of the Rotary Post Polio group which is fighting to support victims of polio who have neurological problems and been unable to access NDIS and aged care services. Christina was Rotary's representative at a Canberra forum. There will be a fundraising morning tea at the West Adelaide footie club on Friday12 July.
Bob Mullins has been asked by Trevor McGuirk to inform Thrift Shop volunteers that they should not accept any electricals unless the owner assures that the appliance is working, nor allow dirty electrical cooking equipment.....editor agrees wholeheartedly!
Rhonda Hoare covered a wide territory:
  • Thanks to Garry for the Quizz - two more spots were to be filled
  • Youth Music Awards closing date for entries has been changed to 22 July to cater for school holidays. Please encourage involvement.
  • Young Friends of Rotary are holding their fundraising film event with the proceeds to ROMAC in July. The film is Inside Out 2........Rhonda spent some time explaining why the film was suitable for all ages and that The Australian critic had given it a tick.....self sacrifice is in order. Will put the brochure in the bulletin next week. 
  • Self Defence lessons are available weekly on a Monday or Wednesday late morning in August....10 lessons for $10 each The proceeds will help send a team of young South Australian to compete in Tai Kwondo national championships. According to the script it is suitable for any age up to that is impressive advertising. Details in future bulletin.
Brendan Kenny announced that the next ROMAC fundraising luncheon is scheduled for 22 September at St Mark's entertainment, wine on tables, wine wall, compere Kevin Norton.....cost $80pp. We need 10 more tables! The next ROMAC patient will be arriving in Adelaide shortly. 


Robyn won the lucre (filthy), BUT THEN recalcitrant Greg scored the next prize of chockies and Robyn finished with another similar prize. Greg and Robyn donated their ill-gotten chocolate gains to worthy causes.
The meeting closed at 8.07pm.......mmmm.....time management school for all meeting chairs.

Rotary International News

Getting creative with fundraising ideas

Posted on
By Kadam Bhambari
The Rotary Club of Chandigarh Midtown partnered with Sparsh Theater Group to stage a play discussing tolerance, abuse of power, and injustice.
As the spouse of the president of the Rotary Club of Chandigarh Midtown, I’m neck-deep in fundraising season. While I love supporting Rotary’s incredible mission, I have to admit that the usual bake sales and car washes can get a bit tiring. That’s why I recently went on a quest to find some fresh fundraising ideas to truly engage our community and make a splash.
Let me tell you, the Rotary world did not disappoint! Here are some innovative fundraising ideas I discovered:
  • Skill share extravaganza: This is a win-win! Tap into your club members’ unique talents. Whether it’s baking, photography, coding, or even salsa dancing, offer mini workshops where members share their expertise for a small fee.  It’s a fun way for the community to learn a new skill while supporting your cause.
  • Themed community challenges with zing! Leverage the power of social media to create some fun and engaging events. Try a virtual talent show with a wacky theme like “pets in pajamas.” 
  • Taking auctions up a notch: Let’s ditch the silent auction snoozefest! How about a “Mystery Box” auction?  People pay a set price for a beautifully wrapped box, not knowing what’s inside.  It could be anything from concert tickets to a gourmet basket!  This element of surprise encourages participation and adds a touch of excitement.
  • Gamifying good deeds: We all love a good game, right? Here’s an idea: a “Rotary Quest!”  Participants follow clues around town, completing tasks and donating to local charities at designated pit stops along the way. This is a fantastic way to promote local businesses, explore the city, and raise awareness for Rotary all at once.
  • Powerful Partnerships: Team up with local businesses for mutually beneficial events. Imagine a “dine-and-donate” night at a restaurant, where a portion of the proceeds go to a Rotary project. Or collaborate with a brewery for a “Trivia Night with a Twist” focused on Rotary’s international service initiatives.
Remember, while raising funds is crucial, it’s not the only goal. These innovative events are fantastic opportunities to connect with the community, build relationships with potential members, and showcase the incredible work Rotary does.
I have a success story to share. Last year, we partnered with the Sparsh Theater Group, a local organization passionate about using their platform for social good. They volunteered to stage a powerful play addressing intolerance, abuse of power, and injustice. The play was incredibly impactful, sparking important conversations and raising awareness. And the best part? They did it all for free! The ticket sales, combined with the buzz and engagement generated, significantly boosted our fundraising efforts.
So, my fellow Rotarians, what are your creative fundraising ideas? Share your experiences and tips in the comments below! Let’s get inspired together and turn fundraising into a fun and impactful part of our Rotary journey. 

Coffee Chat at Impressa, Unley Shopping Centre

10.30 am on the first Friday of the month is good for a chat with Rotary friends and a caffeine fix - Next one is Friday 5 July 2024

Upcoming Meetings

Tuesday 2 July 2024 6 for 6.30pm Castello's Cucina
Guest Speaker: None The changeover celebration when you are not having a changeover
Welcoming team: Ross Burton and Robyn Carnachan
Tuesday 9 July 2024 6 for 6.30pm Castello's Cucina
Guest Speaker: Haydn Bailey How to live longer
Welcoming team: Ross Burton and Robyn Carnachan
Apologies and Meeting Enquiries to: Secretary Greg McLeod on 0417 811 838 or email to
Venue Set-up Enquiries to: Bulletin Editor Stephen Baker on 0403 687 015

Saturday Thrift Shop Roster

Early Shift: 10.00am to 1.00pm    Late Shift: 1.00pm to 4.00pm 
Week 1: 6 July 2024    
Early: Jerry Casburn & Haydn Baillie |  Late: Robyn Carnachan & Leonie Kewen
Week 2: 13 July 2024  
Early: Greg Mcleod & Wendy Andrews |  Late: Virginia Cossid & Vera-Ann Stacy
Week 3: 20 July 2024 
Early: David Middleton & Nathan White  |  Late: Vera Holt & Rhonda Hoare
Week 4: 27 July 2024  
Early: Stephen Baker & Judi Corcoran |  Late: Jason Booth & Vera-Ann Stacy
Week 5: 29 June 2024    
Early: Bob Mullins & Wendy Andrews |  Late: Virginia Cossid & (Paul Duke)
Rotarians, who are unable to attend as rostered, please arrange a swap or as a very last resort contact: Vivienne Wood 0408 819 630; e-mail: [Note Vivienne is away from 28 May to 25 June......please arrange a swap!]

Mitre 10 and Bunnings Barbeques 

The Mitre 10 BBQs are the first and third Saturdays of each month. Morning shift 8.30am - 12 noon; afternoon shift 12.00 - 3.30pm, then one is Saturday 6 July 2024.
ALL the Bunnings Mile End Barbeque shifts are from 8am to 5pm
Morning shift: 8.00am – 12.30pm | Afternoon shift: 12.30 – 5pm
We have been allocated the last Monday of each month and the next one is Monday 29 July

The Tale End.....

Some more wisdom from Church bulletins!
Please place your donation in the envelope along with the deceased person you want remembered.

The church will host an evening of fine dining, super entertainment and gracious hostility. 

Pot-luck supper Sunday at 5:00 PM - prayer and medication to follow.

The ladies of the Church have cast off clothing of every kind.  They may be seen in the basement on Friday afternoon. 

This evening at 7PM there will be a hymn singing in the park across from the Church.  Bring a blanket and come prepared to sin. 

The pastor would appreciate it if the ladies of the Congregation would lend him their electric girdles for the pancake breakfast next Sunday.

Low Self Esteem Support Group will meet Thursday at 7 PM. Please use the back door. 

The eighth-graders will be presenting Shakespeare's Hamlet in the Church basement Friday at 7 PM. 
The congregation is invited to attend this tragedy.

Weight Watchers will meet at 7 PM at the First Presbyterian Church.  Please use large double door at the side entrance. 

The Assistant Minister unveiled the church's new campaign slogan last Sunday: 
'I Upped My Pledge - Up Yours!'

And from Jerry

This email was sent by Stephen Baker
Rotary Club of Unley | PO Box 18 | Unley | SA | 5061 | Australia
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